
=WHAT????? =========================








I want to dance with Jesus.
(((Click here))) for



(((Click Here))) for a list of all Jesus TV programs and their associated episodes.

Jesus TV is a mind and heart (RE)programming TOOL that Jesus uses to help me and other people (((connect to the Jesus-Verse))).

A Famine of the Word of God (Part 3) - YouTube 

(TREASURES FILLED WITH EMPTINESS) For many generations billions of God's children (including me) have each been willingly spoon fed thousands and thousands of hours of no-Jesus and low-Jesus television programming, carefully designed by Satan (in collusion with and aligned to the powerful insidious secular U.S. anti-Christ all-is-well-in-Zion Babylon cult cult CULTure)
---  to "train up a child in the way he should [NOT] go..." (Proverbs 22:6) so that he is feeling OK with very low amounts of Jesus in his life.

Turnabout Is Fun Play · He Said Dallas

UNPRECEDENTED TV “It is now time that we each implement extraordinary measures — perhaps measures we have never taken before — to strengthen our personal spiritual foundations. Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures.”

Jesus TV is an unprecedented measure.....

Jesus TV is an unprecedented measure.....

Jesus TV is an unprecedented measure.....  

Jesus TV is a television turnabout (REVOLUTION).
  Jesus is preparing new programming for those who are famished, hungering and thirsting for MORE Jesus.

Why turnabout?  Because Jesus is preparing the earth for a new Kingdom, which will have (and be a fit only for those who can abide) substantially MORE Jesus.

Thus, Jesus TV is part of a much larger WORLDwide (((Jesus Training SYSTEM))), a PROJECT that Jesus, angels and mortals are now building in "early Zion" (pre-Kingdom Of God On Earth).  Thus, Jesus TV is a precursor to the immersive training systems that will be used in "eventual Zion" by deep Christians 500 years from now.

You are about to enter into a system, a WORLD 🌎 of tools that help me "lose myself" to get MORE Jesus.

Jesus is (RE)training me to FEEL ("MORE") LIKE that he, Jesus, is with me:

When I #hearHim Jesus says, "Greg,  I am always with you, I've been with you (((dwelling inside of you))) from the moment you were born, and I will be with you
(dwelling inside of you) every moment until you die.  Now I am actively training you to believe MORE deeply that I am literally with you (dwelling inside of you), so that you can FEEL MORE LIKE I am with you, each moment..." 


 (((MORE Jesus Feeling))) is a prayer-song I sing with Jesus each morning.  Jesus wrote this song (with me) to remind me how to enter into My Jesus-Greg WORLD (aka the Kingdom of God that is inside of me).  It is also a mnemonic device (tool) to remind me of the main idea expressed above.

Jesus says, "And now Greg, (((TIME, IT IS TIME))), to put on your gloves, gird up your loins, and go to work!... 

"I have tools and projects to give you, to help you help me nurture that belief
and feeling inside of you. 

One of those tools is Jesus TV.

And one of those tools is a new Jesus-Greg WORLD.




***BEFORE YOU PROCEED... Watch these Orientation Videos:

(((Orientation Video #1)

(((Orientation Video #2))).



You are at the
(((Gate))), the beginning of a whole body of scripts (verses that are tools) Jesus uses to (((DEhypnotize))) me---- to (((wake))) me up from the (((lonely))) sleep of hell. 


The idea is as simple as it is sacramental:

SEEK SEEK SEEK hidden (((Jesus Treasure))) by

(((filling))) your life with a whole WORLD... of outright Jesus-themed, Jesus-bossed projects ---- all carefully designed by Jesus (#HearHim) to help you continually remember him, acknowledge him and (((talk to him))) thereby to always have MORE Jesus (i.e. a greater portion of Jesus' Spirit AND Jesus' miraculous gifts/tools) to be with you.


The current rise of Jesus (((WORLDbuilding))) and  associated Jesus PROJECTS coincides with the imminent paradigm shift towards (((Project Based Conversion - PBC))) and the simultaneous emergence of (((Jesus Augmented Reality - JAR))).

In the 2020's and 2030's Jesus is opening and building a NEW LAND ("Jesus Land", not Disneyland) with a new CULTURE (a Jesus-centric  CULTure) to help people  do this very thing.

Ready to go to work?  Ready  to build your own Jesus WORLD, with Jesus and angels in the JesusVerse?


If so, just pray, ask,  #HearHim (Jesus) tell you how to build your Jesus WORLD 🌎. 

Jesus is the best WORLD builder in the universe. 





Now, if and when you #HearHim-Jesus tell you that you need formal Jesus-WORLD-building training (like I do) a good place to start is "Pluck Out My Eye", a television show that Jesus and his angels created to help me and other folks who are new to Jesus-WORLD building within the JesusVerse (a place like the Metaverse, but located in Jesus Land, not Babylon):



In addition, Jesus uses the "LEAD-BY-EXAMPLE"  time-travel method for teaching me how to build My Jesus-Greg WORLD.

It's likely that is how you will (eventually) teach yourself and others how to build their respective Jesus WORLD.

"let your light so shine..."

In Matthew 5:16 Jesus hints at one of the the best ways Jesus has for teaching his children how to build new, Jesus WORLDs:

by example

Thus, the main thing you find at www.getmorejesus.com is an actual, full-on Jesus WORLD that is being built (LIVE)---- a WORLD that you can enter into, observe, and engage with, real time.  

It is being built by Jesus, angels and Greg Muller.

(Since 2022 there are other people building Jesus WORLDs in the JesusVerse. Millions more to follow, eventually.)

My Jesus-Greg WORLD is an example Jesus WORLD (example only). Your own, personal Jesus WORLD will be custom fit to your soul by Jesus.

(And in time your Jesus WORLD will become the best example Jesus WORLD you can follow.)

Thus the Jesus WORLD found here at www.getmorejesus.com is being fit (by Jesus) to one person alone: Greg Owen Muller.


Nevertheless, this one Jesus-themed WORLD may be instructive to those who are new to Jesus-WORLD building.

Proceed into My Jesus-Greg WORLD, only if/when Jesus tells you to (when you #HearHim).

***BEFORE YOU PROCEED... Watch this

(((Orientation Video))).

The first thing you will notice is that My Jesus-Greg WORLD is created as a (((Jesus Story))), that starts again and again, each morning.


It is a (((Jesus mashUP Story))), a story that tells about how I WAKE UP every day for the rest of my life to build (((an ARC))).


It's like (((Noah's ARK))) --- a sanctuary from a coming end-of-days storm), but it is a new place that Jesus calls "early Zion".

Again, it is built in the "JesusVerse", not the Metaverse.  So it is not built after the manner which was learned by men.  But after the manner which God does show me.

Jesus has me build my part of "early Zion" (My Jesus-Greg WORLD) 
like Noah built the ARK--- not in the garage, but boldly out in the open, for all the world to see... (((nobody but Jesus.))).

This is how the story starts, this is how the WORLD is created...


In the beginning... was a morning song.

Sung by Jesus, angels and Greg.  In harmony.


It is a simple song sung at the start of my daily musical discipline, a training system that lites up My Jesus-Greg WORLD  πŸŒŽ, like a tiny flame πŸ”₯.

(Thereby, "the latter-day glory begins to come forth" in My WORLD.)

And thus, a (((virtual))) and physical WORLD is (RE)created,  activated and gets a playin' out--- like some kind'a fancy  (((orchestral overture))), each and every morning, in a simple, yet super mysterious, powerful way...

Using my sacred imagination.



My Jesus-Greg WORLD opens up to my mind and heart each morning as a "singing lesson" from Jesus.

Yep. Singing lesson, from Jesus!  

Imagine that!

I do. Each morning.

Me.  Jesus.  Angels.  Singing. (((Together))).


(((Heaven))).  At least a piece.

You see, since I was born again in 2015, Jesus has been (((((((((((((training))))))))))))) me to sing  certain "Wake UP Songs" that are designed as a series of (((wakeNOsis scripts))), tools to wake me UP into a kind of Jesus-themed Dreamland, which Jesus calls "Infinite Reality" (IR).  

(Note: IR is somewhat like Virtual Reality (VR) created by Artificial Intelligence (AI).  However, Jesus isn't artificial.  Therefore, instead,  Jesus uses what is called Infinite Intelligence (ii)--- because Jesus is an Infinite being interested in having us embrace an eternal reality, IR, one in which Jesus is always PRESENT.)

Accordingly, each morning, the very moment I wake UP, Jesus has me wake UP like Adam waking up in the Garden Of Eden, singing a morning wake UP! song with God.

(In other words----Jesus has essentially transformed my bedroom into  a temple "Garden Room" approximation)

As I wake UP!  I can feel Jesus Christ use my voice, use my mind, use my heart to sing this worship song to him.

It's like I am POSSESSED POSSESSED POSSESSED (filled) by a (((symbiotic))) Spirit (Alma 34:33).

It's as if Jesus is
(((wakeAtizing))) me.

It's mesmerizing.

However ,  it's the opposite of hypnosis.

It's WAKEnosis.

Even this very script you are reading right now, Jesus puts it into my heart to understand it is a type of (((wakeNOsis script)))."

It's as if I enter a place of (((mysteria))) 'when he's near'.


... and I believe that I #HearHymn as I sing the FIRST PHRASE THAT COMES OUT OF MY MOUTH, "Jesus The Very...".

Each morning, as Jesus, angels and I sing together, "Jesus the very..." we often go super slow.  

To learn.  To appreciate.  To relish. 

Sometimes Jesus has me repeat this holy phrase ("Jesus the very"), and he even has me stop to ponder and talk with him about the root meaning of the very words we are singing...verily.


Look.  Here are my Jesus-morning-singing-lesson notes:

Jesus ROOT ponder › dictionary › very

1. in the fullest sense; complete; absolute; the very whole truth 2. same; identical. the very hat he lost ; 3. being just what is needed or suitable. the very one who can save.


Rootcast: A Truly Very Good Root! 

Jesus › rootcasts › ver-truth

The Latin root word ver means “truth” or “true.”

in a high degree.
"very much so"

all that
to a great extent

too … for words
ever so

Thus, you will notice (and so will I) that this first phrase, from the first verse, of the first song, the hymn ((("Jesus The Very Thought of Thee"))), begins to lay down an important theme that is found throughout My Jesus-Greg WORLD. 

This phrase ("Jesus the very") opens UP My Jesus-Greg WORLD.  It is
the (((Gate))).

...introducing the theme of singularity.  In Christ.

And notice too that this first phrase ("Jesus the very") is a foreshadowing of the last verse of the same song!

This first phrase, of the first song ("Jesus the very"), is thus, a VERY significant, foundational element for building My Jesus-centric WORLD with Jesus and angels.

And thus it begins.

A whole new WORLD.

A Jesus WORLD.

The start of a new, Jesus-centric CULTure.... to replace the broken (U.S. anti-Christ all-is-well-in-Zion CULT CULT) CULTure we received from birth.

Born again, are we.

Into a new WORLD.

=== you've reached the end of this first page.  Would you like to proceed to the next page?



Do you like this (My Jesus-Greg WORLD entry point) so far?  

I know I do.  I believe Jesus does too.  This page helps me get my bearings... it helps me realize that my simple (though odd) morning routines are super important (they fire up an entire WORLD!, a new reality that Jesus is training me to  run all day long).

Does Jesus put it into your heart to look at more of My Jesus-Greg WORLD when you #HearHim?

If so, here is the next page:



Watch as Jesus builds out My Jesus-Greg WORLD, here:

(((  https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Wgv0FQVaqcRPGkAOczDeP4cbVI3Omv9uNwJUsuM4umY/edit?usp=sharing  )))


COME AND SEE :  "COME AND SEE" (EVENT SERIES) Hear the prophecy, and learn about Jesus' worldwide rollout of a series of new conferences, festivals and other events that celebrate our Lord and Savior. "Come And See" is described within is a little movie, which is inserted within a Jesus TV Program ("Jesus In This Mess" Episode 9), starting at minute 6:30 and ending at 14:05:





Pardon the mess below...

Because I pay my tithing and because I am friends with Jesus, Jesus opens his window and pours down blessings upon me (often in the form of ideas and wisdom--- so many ideas and wisdoms that there is not room enough for me to receive it in a perfectly orderly way.... so I have some holy messes in My Jesus-Greg WORLD, now and then. 

These are my (Greg's) personal notes (below) thrown down here in a big beautful pile to be mashedUP into My Jesus-Greg WORLD when (and how) Jesus tells me when I do #HearHim.  We go slow, to go fast.  Low to go high.  And, like a fool to go wise.

Jesus wants me to start putting together a history of Jesus WORLD building (to document the progression of these ideas in my life).  (((Here is the document I will work on.)))



4Nephi 1: 14-18

15 And it came to pass that there was no contention in the land, because of the love of God which did dwell in the hearts of the people

Most Relevant Verses
John 3:29
Verse Concepts

He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice. So this joy of mine has been made full.
Matthew 9:15
Verse Concepts

And Jesus said to them, “The attendants of the bridegroom cannot mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them, can they? But the days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast.
Mark 2:19
Verse Concepts

And Jesus said to them, “While the bridegroom is with them, the attendants of the bridegroom cannot fast, can they? So long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast.
Luke 5:34
Verse Concepts

And Jesus said to them, “You cannot make the attendants of the bridegroom fast while the bridegroom is with them, can you?
Revelation 22:17
Verse Concepts

The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost.
Our Latest Videos
2 Corinthians 11:2
Verse Concepts

For I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy; for I betrothed you to one husband, so that to Christ I might present you as a pure virgin.
Luke 5:35
Verse Concepts

But the days will come; and when the bridegroom is taken away from them, then they will fast in those days.”
John 2:9
Verse Concepts

When the headwaiter tasted the water which had become wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew), the headwaiter *called the bridegroom,
Revelation 19:7
Verse Concepts

Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready.”
Mark 2:18
Verse Concepts

John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting; and they *came and *said to Him, “Why do John’s disciples and the disciples of the Pharisees fast, but Your disciples do not fast?”
Ephesians 5:25-27

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless.
Matthew 9:14-15

Then the disciples of John *came to Him, asking, “Why do we and the Pharisees fast, but Your disciples do not fast?” And Jesus said to them, “The attendants of the bridegroom cannot mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them, can they? But the days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast.
Mark 2:18-20

John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting; and they *came and *said to Him, “Why do John’s disciples and the disciples of the Pharisees fast, but Your disciples do not fast?” And Jesus said to them, “While the bridegroom is with them, the attendants of the bridegroom cannot fast, can they? So long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast. But the days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast in that day.
Luke 5:33-35

And they said to Him, “The disciples of John often fast and offer prayers, the disciples of the Pharisees also do the same, but Yours eat and drink.” And Jesus said to them, “You cannot make the attendants of the bridegroom fast while the bridegroom is with them, can you? But the days will come; and when the bridegroom is taken away from them, then they will fast in those days.”
Revelation 21:2
Verse Concepts

And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband.

Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Jesus-As-A-Bridegroom

MYSTERIA IT'S as if I enter a realm where I feel extremely wealthy, in Christ....My Jesus Wealth Portfolio (post)

Jesus carrot

Jesus Kimchi

Jesus Lentil Soup

Jesus Flat Bread

Criticise unto condemnation (culura training bent)

- https://www.facebook.com/greg.muller.7399/posts/pfbid0Qzi51mr5rnNqNjJDN9A48pR15UWpqkSZfnUeaGSpJutV13ZxgLyGqu344ZruGihHl


The moment people wake up in Zion they will enact "The WAKE UP With Jesus SCENE" , people will wake up

For much of my adult life I've tried to make sense of my own suffering and the often far greater suffering I am made to witness for others. 

Jesus said "many that are first and greatest now, will be last and least then. Others that are least and last now will be greatest and first then, at the end."

I believe the last ones mentioned, the ones that will be first later, are people who have yearned their whole lives to help others, and have done their best to give light, but because of issues or circumstances that are not entirely their own fault they were thrust into roles where they instead had to rely on the love and mercy of everyone else. 

This could be due to various physical or mental handicaps, disease, trauma and abuse, etc. 

Essentially these people are the testors of others. 

We can all be turned into testors, if only for a season, anytime we become absolutely burdenous on others. 

For some of us, this is only for a season, but for many it's for our entire lives. 

For these types they are nearly constantly in a state of ruin and reliance on others mercy and kindness, needing others help, compassion, and understanding, maybe all their lives. 

It almost seems as if God created us, and put us into life situations where we would be meant to fail or struggle greatly, and become such enormous burdens on everyone else, that our lives would essentially be the gauge by which God measures everyone else's love. 

With such intrinsic failure at the roots, faults to our very way of being, it seems as if we are doomed, some of us, to live as constant burdens for everyone else to bare. 

Many of us are labeled as the black sheep of the family, failures to launch. 

Many become the cast out, drains on society, or homeless but deep down we yearn greatly for healing and belonging, to one day be the givers instead of the takers. 

Our hearts are right, many of us, in the sense that we want to give, but we are never are able to do it. 

For those around us, they are being watched, to see how they will treat us and love us. 

On the other hand, for us as the testors, how we endure spending life as burdenous takers is essentially our own test. 

Where are our hearts, what are our desires, what humility do we develop?

Many of us do seek to give and be a light to others in any small way we can, but we just can't give in the way we desire. 

Try as we might, we just seem destined to live life's that are filled with failure and intense personal suffering. 

How we handle this suffering is really a test all by itself... Because essentially we are the least and the last and the lost souls all our lives.  

It's not easy to feel like a burden on everyone else all your life. 

Some of us are blessed to escape  this role. I did, or at least I thought I did, for a season. Then I was right back in it. 

I still want to escape it, and I will try to all my life. 

But there's is a great lesson for us here... 

To be and feel like such burdens all our lives, many of us do have our hearts changed in the sense that our greatest desire becomes to be changed from a state of failure and taking into a state of life giving, healing and freedom. 

All my adult life I have sought this freedom and healing. 

And I truly believe that for those who's hearts are changed, who's desires are pure, and who's humility is great, one day soon being in last all our lives will translate us into being first at the end.
