it is one BIG living parable



=LIVING PARABLE =========================




(((Orientation Video #Zero)))

(((Orientation Video #Zero)))
(((Orientation Video #Zero)))

(((Orientation Video #Zero)))

"I kept the right ones out

and let the wrong ones in..."

Jesus says, "Greg, it is the end-of-days wrap up scene, and we are gathering: Greg, I really need you to be the right person, in the right place, with the right people, doing the right thing, at the right time. Alright?  So listen UP UP attention, and you will."






WAKING. It's morning.  Greg hears a voice speaking, singing from the (((DUST))).  It is ((("THE HOOK"))) that Jesus gave Greg in previous day(s) training.  


Greg #hearsHim (the voice) sing with him the first of four WAKE UP songs ((("Jesus The Very Thought Of Thee"))), as Greg sings along.


"Once upon a time...

Jesus had me offer a special
welcome to all you (((Amazing, "desperate-heart"))) architects, engineers and designers of "early Zion"...

WELCOME to this humble, rough and tumble, bustling site, that is the start
(((the Gate))) of... 

"My Jesus-Greg WORLD", which is essentially one huge (((living parable))), A MUSICAL IMPROV STORY that Jesus is teaching me how to tell with him (to tell it again and again, better and better)---- starting each morning, from the moment I wake up, all throughout my day, until I go to bed.

One story.  One world.  One God.

Yes.  For me, now, until the coming of the Son of Man, it's (((Groundhog Day!))).

And, for me, Spring came early; Zion-building has arrived.

This world you are looking at (My Jesus-Greg WORLD, aka my small piece of "early Zion") is being built by Jesus, angels and me in the JesusVerse (not metaverse). 

In fact, that's where you are located right now (if you are reading this). 

Does Jesus want you to build your own Jesus WORLD in the JesusVerse? 


If so (when so), the following "living parable" might help.