Jesus Radio


The field is white and being now harvested...

Here is how you get'm:


Free Prayer-songs on Jesus Radio are made available through a volunteer SAINTS-PEER-NETWORK, in which Jesus has individuals (saints in the latter-day) who are called (by Jesus..."if ye have desires you are called to this work") to help share Jesus' new prayer-song BLOCKS, worldwide.  Fifty at a time, upon request. 

INSTRUCTIONS:::: To get a free BLOCK of prayer-songs email me (, and request the particular BLOCK of songs that you want (e.g."Greg, please send me BLOCK 1 so that I can sing these songs with Jesus, angels and my family").

When I get your BLOCK request I will notify a SAINT-PEER (a latter-day Saint), who will then share with you a single Google Drive folder that will have everything you need (to download lyrics, music, episodes to your smartphone or computer).

For example, if you request BLOCK 1, you will receive (via email) access to the Google-Drive folder named, "early Zion classic rock prayer-songs BLOCK 1-50".  This Google Drive folder contains all of the  1) Lyrics, 2) Backtracks, 3) Takes, and 4) TV-Episodes for the first 50 prayer-songs released on Jesus Radio.


Here is a fuller description of what you will gain access to, for each BLOCK of prayer-songs:

50 Google Documents, each featuring a new, Christianized (Jesus-enriched) prayer-song lyric sheet.


50 music files: backtracks (instrumental/karaoke) that you and your loved ones (including Jesus and the angels) can sing along with.  You can download these to your phone or computer.

50 music files that include a singer singing the new prayer-songs.  You can download these to your phone or computer.


Links to 50 Jesus TV episodes, where each prayer-song is featured in a special WORSHIP SERVICE, a live broadcast.  The 50 links are provided in a single Google Document.



Eventually there will be 40 BLOCKS (with 50 prayer-songs per block) available, for a total of 2,000 baptized (Jesus-enriched) classic-rock prayer-songs.


Greg says, "Currently we have the first BLOCK, "BLOCK 1" ready for share...which contains the first 50 prayer-songs." 

Request BLOCK 1 (songs 1-50), when and if Jesus tells you to.


Meanwhile, Jesus, angels and mortals are working on BLOCK 2 (songs 51-100), which is anticipated to be ready for distribution in early September, 2022.

Check back here, and we will let you know when you can request BLOCK 2, and future BLOCKS of Zion.





Jesus TV Presents a television program dedicated to joyfully singing new prayer-songs with Jesus and angels as we build a new, Jesus-centric CULTure ("early Zion") in the open, like Noah built the ARK in the open. 

Believe it or not, each of these new Jesus songs is a literal piece of Zion.  Each one is an "APP" (application) that you plug into your personal UNIVERSE (metaverse), and integrate into your daily life. 

Thus, we build Zion (the new CULTure) one song at a time.  

One brick at a time.  One heart at a time.


"On an occasion when Joseph became ill, a friend who was visiting with him discovered a poem near his bed and asked who had written it. Scriven said, "The Lord and I did it between us."

Read more ( about how Jesus is using this Scriven quote to (RE) program my mind and heart.


>>>PENDING "TAKES" WAITING FOR JESUS TO ENLIST VOLUNTEERS... Other people (you?)---hundreds probably, maybe thousands eventually---- will be called by Jesus to sing and record this song, "MORE Jesus Here", along with the other 1,999 songs below.  If Jesus calls you to this work, feel free to record yourself singing a song (or multiple songs) with Jesus and angels, and then submit the link to Jesus Radio (email me at, where I will post it, as a "Take 2", or a "Take 3", or "Take 4"....or "Take 101".  If you have desires, you are called to the work.Anson and Jesus sing it...

(full song click on "take 2")

Greg says:
Well done ✅

Anson replies:

So off pitch! Wow!...It sounds like barf bro. Only a God could heal that barf sound coming out o my wet mouth. So out o tune. Why!
? Why Jesus? Is my heart not iN it? Please help me God. I don’t wish to offer up puke but if it’s all I have I’ll offer it. Will you bless it? Please help me God. I want to offer up better. Will you help me do one bar with no throw up? Please? I will do whatever you ask. I am asking what to do right now. Please help me open to direction. God! You know I like to sing and now I just wna sing for youPLEEzHelpME KMOW WHAT TO DO TO TAKE THE STANK OFF OF THIS POO. I LOVE YOU! I don’t wna oFFER POO to YOU!!!!!!!😭

Greg says: I authentically liked your singing. I was looking and listening to your heart (as though you are/were being "as a little child", singing the best you can in the moment, heartfelt worship to God...first and foremost...and thus not to me or other people first and foremost. From that intimate, Anson-to-Jesus, perspective, it is beautiful, sufficient, and lovely.). But that's just me and My Jesus who has me wearing a much much lighter musical appreciation yoke than is traditionally worn in U.S. anti-Christ all-is-well-in-Zion Babylonian CULTure. In My Jesus land Jesus TV and Jesus Radio play out (and are built out) with huge huge huge amounts of charity (especially accommodating to dirty filthy rotten hard-hearted hopeful sinners who are wildly inadequate and rejectable by the "normal" culture of the ripe-for-destruction society in which we currently live). I wouldn't be able to seriously build "early Zion" if Jesus (and/or) me couldn't find your musical number, and earnest (and early) attempt wholly (and holy) pleasing. It shows the way bro. "Do our best in Jesus and forget the rest". THAT IS HOW WE FLEE BABYLON AND ESTABLISH THE NEW CULTURE. Me, Willy and Jesus saw a beautiful Anson boy with joy... seeking MORE Jesus. Something very rare these days, not only in Facebook but everywhere. What you did shines---look at yourself with great charity (look with compassion on your heart) and you will see in that video of yours the leader who is showing you the Way to the promise Land. And me too. I wanna follow that guy! as he follows Jesus. He's a fricken revolutionary!