My Dashboard

(an upgrade)

Since 2015, Jesus has been helping me build a "Jesus-Life Temple" (you can see it being built in the open like Noah built the ARK at

It has many different names, each related to its different functions FUNCTIONS: My Personal electronic UNIVERSE, My UNIVERSE, My Liahona, my part of "early Zion", My Jesus Crutch, and more.

And now.... "MY DASHBOARD!" (i.e. my new Jesus Dashboard). This afternoon Jesus and angels whispered to me and arranged to have brothers Russel E. Brand and Bernardo Kastrup introduce me to this concept:

My takeaways so far include the idea that the MORE Jesus (which Jesus is always encouraging me to get!) can/does install into my human-hindered dashboard additional, additional additional, additional, additional, additional INTERFACES ("sensory instruments") that give me (and others) a capacity to detect UNUSUAL ("get used to different" INFORMATION STREAMS from a hidden realm (aka "hidden Kingdom", aka metaverse).

This video, mentioned above, helps me make sense of the very peculiar DEVICES, PROTOCOLS and RITUALS that Jesus and angels have been installing into my daily routines (e.g. My Liahona itself, along with the related "Waking UP With Jesus And The Angels SCENE", and many other "SCENES" under construction, including Jesus TV, redeemed classic-rock songs, "Jesus Mountain", Jesus People Potlucks, Jesus Free Land, a Jesus Economy/Marketplace, and many many more currently under development).

The video gives me a good parable (metaphor) for understanding (and explaining) the various things that Jesus is downloading and plugging into my life (like APPs being downloaded and plugged into a phone, though harder to install).